here one young Snakeskin with basecolor light blue :
Here one mature Snakeskin male, with light blue basecolor, too. This light blue shining gave the name of the basecolor. Attention! This fish is homozygous. The blue reflections have nothing to do with AsianBlue! The blue shining occurs when the light hits the fish from the front.
(A Snakeskin homozygous of AsianBlue does not show any Snakeskin-Pattern! )
I introduced this color to my Galaxys. These young guys need still time to develop their pattern full. Light Blues are vital, fertile and they are in the same time as big as the Greys.
2 Kommentare:
Tobi, the picture of the light blue basecolor Snakeskin male is beautiful. I'm wondering, though, if you could give more detail on the crosses that have been involved in the process you describe as introducing light blue basecolor to your Galaxy strain. Thanks continuing to share the ongoing results of your breeding work.
All the best,
Chris Noto.
I am breeding the light blues only in one little planted tank, to save this rare color.
Hans Großmann will quit the hobby soon, he is an old man, so he cannot work with this basecolor anymore.
I bred one female of his light Blue Snakes with a Galaxy.
The F1 were basecolored grey, because light blue is simple recessive, like albino or gold too. Galaxy is linked to the y-chromosome, so I had a lot of grey Galaxys and some Light Blue Snakes (cause the female was pre -inseminated by the original Light Blue Snakes) in the first litter.
I selected two grey females, two Galaxy-males and one Llight Blue Snakeskin to bred the next generation.
So now I have some grey Snakes & Galaxys, the wanted Light Blue Galaxy and Snakeskins in this tank, which you can see at the picture.
Soon I will leave only one Light Blue Female and one male of both types in this tank.
cheers tobi
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